USAID's Higher Education System Strengthening Activity

Focus Areas

Home Institute of Business Administration (IBA)

Institute of Business Administration (IBA)

Karachi, Sindh

Imparting world-class education and cultivating thought-leaders, IBA Karachi is Pakistan’s premier public sector institution. IBA Karachi’s recognition is strongly anchored in its alumni that are leading Pakistani and international organizations in Pakistan and abroad, its strong faculty and its academic programs. Core values driving IBA Karachi include discipline, creativity, tolerance, integrity and teamwork.   |  IBA - HESSA


To be among the best learning institutions in Pakistan.


  • To impart quality education in numerous educational fields to students selected on merit irrespective of ethnicity, gender, religion, or financial means
  • To provide a teaching and learning environment that encourages critical thinking, ethical conduct and effective decision making
  • To undertake original research that enriches teaching which benefits business, government and civil society


It was in 1955 the Institute of Public and Business Administration (IPBA) was established, making it one of the oldest business school outside North America. Over the years, IBA has transformed itself from a business school to one of Pakistan’s most dynamic and prominent public sector institutions of higher learning. IBA launched its three schools in 2020, namely, the School of Business Studies (SBS), the School of Economics and Social Sciences (SESS) and the School of Mathematics and Computer `Science (SMCS).




Degree Programs


Enrolled Students



Dr. S. Akbar Zaidi

Vice Chancellor


  • # of students: Males: 3,054 | Females: 1,840
  • # of total full-time faculty: Males: 92 | Females: 60
  • # of Ph.D. faculty: 97
  • # of offered degree programs: 7 of BS | 11 of MS | 3 of Ph.D.
  • # of faculties: 3

HESSA Trainees


This program is made possible by the support of the United States Government and the American people through the United States Agency for International Development (USAID). The contents are the sole responsibility of the University of Utah and do not necessarily reflect the views of USAID or the U.S. Government.